I'm currently working on a graveyard environment scene. My main focus is the crypt, the rest will be just primitives for now.
I would appreciate some feedback to see if my workflow is correct
I'm using this image for the scene layout but followed other references for the crypt itself

This is what I've made so far, I had some difficulties creating the crypt from the image above so I went for a different style.
This is the high poly unsculpted version. The pieces are modular so thats why you can see the seams.

This is the blockout of the scene

The pieces are modular but the high poly parts dont match up perfectly atm. I've also didn't use grid scale when making certain parts so I'm gonna have difficulties tiling textures on this. But I've tried using the pieces to build different versions of this and it works very nice.
My next step is to sculpt some imperfections and damage on the walls and so on.
I'm also going to replace the roof with some custom material.
Please tell me your opinions and unload some helpful tips or things i've missed so far.
Thanks in advance!
I'm going to continue sculpting again today I'll post an update in the evening if I manage it.
Inspect it on Sketchfab
Check it out and tell me what you think!
And if you want to see more of my work, follow me here