Hey hey Polycount people!
It has been a very long time since I logged-in here, (changing jobs, busy projects). But I'm currently developing a new tool in my free time and I though why not share my progress on Polycount!
A few years ago I made a tool called Tycoon for 3Ds Max (here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tguRxtjK61A ), it allows you to bend objects and auto align (snap) them together. The main motivation was that I wanted to make a rollercoaster project in Unreal, however the spline tools in DCC apps were not really giving me the control I wanted, that is why I decided to make a tool that works in a similar way as the roller coaster tycoon games. (That explains the name Tycoon).
But when I actually started using the the 3Ds Max version I realized that it was quite a hassle to import all the data into Unreal, importing huge track pieces was not really a non-destructive workflow at all....
So I'm currently creating my first Unreal C++ plugin: Tycoon for Unreal 4.
Still a lot of things that need to be fixed, will post updates in this thread:
- Mesh updates:
[ ] Worldspace normal issue. (Some parts are darker for this reason)
[ ] UV support in the mesh
[ ] Multi material support
- UI updates:
[ ] Sliders!
More coming

Did some UI updates: Added toggle-able horizontal rows, added new buttons, added sliders.
Currently busy with planning the procedural attachment system. The challenge will be to keep the balance between keeping it generic (works with a lot of different meshes, different shapes etc.) and usability (actually creating something that works like a rollercoaster).
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