Hello lovely Polycount community!
I honestly don't know what to do anymore other than asking here for help. Hopefully someone is able to help me out after trying to explain it as good as possible.
The issue is, the reflection of my can objective looks weird and I don't know how to fix it.
I'm trying to get a nice reflection going but it keeps being weird. I'm rendering already on highest settings possible - as far as I know what I can put on highest of course. I do have Global Illumination enabled + Voxel Resolution on High. I've no idea if there're Reflections Options which I could raise up to increase the outcome.
Following I've a picture to show my issue which is so annoying:
As you can see inside of the white circle, the reflection doesn't look how it should look like...
Hopefully, someone can give me a tip or fix to solve this issue. Please
A couple things you can try to improve this: