Hello everyone! First time posting here so bear with me!
I am doing some work for my school project and everything was looking nice until I brought the thing to Unreal Engine only to find my normals all weird filled with lines.
At first I thought I did something wrong when exporting the textures and I checked the Normal channel only to see nothing wrong, but when I looked at the Normal+Height+Mesh it looked like these weird lines have appeared? Since English is not my first languange I wasn't sure how to call this, as I've never seen it before, sorry if it's been replied before!
If it's of any help, it's the first time I'm trying to make my own textures with the help of Designer.

Thank you!
If anyone also has had this problem, I have a sort of "fix" for this, but not a way to solve this from happening.
After baking the texture maps into Substance, you can export the Normal map and reload it (Substance will ask where to reload it from, just choose the location of where you exported your normals). By doing this my normals have not appeared to be broken -although I am not 100% sure this works all the time, but it may help.
I hope this helps and doesn't happen to anyone else!