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Years of freelancing, now looking a chance to work for a company, is my portfolio good enough?

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Hi all, just landed as a new member on this site, My name is Ben, after more than 5 years of 3d freelance work, for small startup companies and individuals, i'm curious if the quality of my work would still stand within the professional industry as to be honest freelacing is tiring, I did over more than 300 custom jobs for both 3d printing and games. this commissioned work was usually on a very tight budget and time schedule which never allowed me to poor in my full potential in them. i have familiarized myself with the whole pipeline of game developement and efficient polygon use, texturing and animation. Currently i'm trying to do as much as my own projects as i can to showcase my skills, as i believe a portfolio should also show some personality in other words show what you love, and what design choices one makes to get to a final design. i would like to know what you guys think of my current portfolio, hardly anything of it is textured and it's a mixture of both 3d printable objects and game objects, any advice/critique would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance ! portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/benah


  • lloydj14
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    lloydj14 polycounter lvl 6
    Firstly you want to break down your 2D and 3D sections a little bit. Have all work in 1 post looks bad at a glance. I assumed you only had 2 pieces of work before I clicked on them. I would suggest finding your best pieces from each then putting each of them as separate pieces on Artstation (4-8 individual pieces).

    I notice this was posted 3 years ago have you got more up to date stuff ? or do you just keep adding to the original posts?
    Also what sort of studio do you want to work in? Smaller or are you aiming for more towards a larger studio?

    I think you need to do some personal pieces that really showcase your modelling and texturing skills together in the same piece because if I'm being honest a lot of the 3d pieces feel either really basic or unfinished. I feel your best pieces are the chest (although quite basic the texturing on it is the most detail of your assets) and low poly characters 6 images down. They feel like they could fit into a mobile game or something with a low poly artistic style. The pilot type helmet also makes me think that if you spent some time you could do some nice detailed models as well.

    Some of your 2d drawings seem well done but the first one imo feels unfinished and should be removed or moved down but I'm no drawing expert so i'll leave it at that.

    Don't want to seem too harsh and take everything with a pinch of salt as I'm not in the industry myself and there is obviously more to you than just your portfolio I imagine it is your experience of development which is why you are able to continue to get offers of work.

    Hope this helps.
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