Wanted to share my recent photogrammetry based project and workflow.
I'd really appreciate your feedback and I'm happy to answer any questions.
Goal was to create a realistic environment prop using photogrammetry.
Main obstacle was that only the outer parts of the hull scanned nicely. That's because the paint on the deck was very reflective. Also I didn't bother to scan the mast and the high parts. So those parts were pretty much made from scratch, trying to match the reference.
Sketchfab link:
https://sketchfab.com/models/ec5d7ff702404c00a5e350b2ccb68605Marmoset render:


it's hard to say exactly, I've been working on it on and off. Ballpark would be around a week, maybe a bit more, scan to finish. Wanted to transfer as much detail from the original scan as possible, so there was a fair amount of back and forth between different apps, cheking the reference, been testing different workflows as well.
The most time consuming part was recreating the missing parts in Zbrush and texturing. Scan processing took quite a bit, started with Agisoft Photoscan but it nearly killed my laptop, when switched to RealityCapture, the times were more managable and I was able to get higher resolution (>104 m tris in the rough scan).
With a powerful PC and set pipeline, I think it doesn't really take longer than making a similar asset without scan.