I only ever use the metalic and roughness pbr, I never use the gloss/specular etc.
maybe I will export the model to Unity or Maromoset at some point but my goal is just to make a nice render of a vase with a glazed surfice which catches the light.
currently I am making some certamic vases, and I would like to experiement with other outputs available.
I was looking through all the documentation but I can't find a clear answer.
would any of these outputs help?
your advice is welcome!
Specular level can enhance any surface if the Shader supports specular occlusion and you make the map properly. In this case the base specular level for the material is effectively the same as the default 0.5 linear
The extra channels are outputs for specific Shaders. IOR is analogous to specular reflectance, the rest should be pretty self explanatory if you have access to a shader than can use them
Octane is pretty sophisticated so I imagine you can build shaders that will make use of the maps. I could be wrong, I don't pay much attention to anything non-realtime cos it bores me.
Anyway, It seems like youre approaching this the wrong way round.
Your target renderer is what you need to generate information for. Decide on that and then ask specific questions about the effect you're trying to produce in that renderer.
It gives a brief explanation of what each channel does - Google is your friend for more detailed explanations.
Porcelain is potentially quite a complex material depending on the quality and manufacturing. It's not something I've looked into a great deal but I know that some of the fancier stuff can get quite translucent and you will often find multiple layers of glazing etc.