TheThirstyDragon made a cyber punk city in 3ds max back in 2009. We decided to take the file and spruce it up and get it running in UE4.20 as a collaborative project.
Steps I've taken so far are combining the level into chunks to get them into the editor...sort of a mid-level blockout. Complex collision is being used as simple atm, but I'll be re-blocking everything inside the editor with blocking volumes so that we can later explore the scene without too much complicated collision in the way. Some preliminary lighting just for kicks.
I set up a series of cameras to document the process.
I'm moving onto setting up a material library using substance designer.
Here is what we have in UE4 so far. We're going to focus on one camera section at a time and build them up.
Camera Locations
Mood board;
Because of my work schedule, this will be a slow burn. But Once it gets rolling it should go quickly and smoothly, especially once motivation sinks in.
I've created 2 new materials in designer. Each with 3 textures. Base color, Normals, and packed RGB (height, roughness, AO)
Asphalt 01
Concrete Wall 01
I started on the master material. I wanted to go with a triplanar material but decided against it and just stuck with UVing.
I created a custom water puddles function that uses the height lerp node built into UE4. Though I will be making my own because I like to have better control near the edge of the puddles.
All of the material parameters feed through the function which has it's own parameters. I can flatten my normals, control the specularity of the water + roughness (very subtle options). Desaturate and darken the surface beneath the water and allow it to influence AO.
Testing the asphalt with the master material as it is now;
I'll push the master a bit further to get more layers as the meshes get updated. Still quite a bit of modeling to update at the moment.