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MAYA: Problem with symmetry tools in UV editor

Hello every one. I'm having some problems with Maya, I'm triying to map my low poly character, and UV layout it's giving me some problems with the symmetry tools.
1.- When I'm trying to do symmetry in somes UV, I don't know why, all UVs appears to other side, just like the picture. I move all the shell to where appears the UVs when I apply symmetry, but the result is the same.

2.- The second problem is with the symettry selection. Effectively, If I select a UV, I select too the correspondent UV for symmetry, that's OK. But it doesn't reflect my transforms, just copy. For example, If I move a vertex selected to the left, the vertex selected by symettry moves to the left too, instead to reflect my movement and move it to the right.

3.- The third problem is more... visual. If I apply a zoom in the UV editor, the vertical lines of the visor just disspear. As you see in the second picture.

I tried already to delete the archive "prefs" and reinstall maya, but with no result...
I hope to made me understand. And thanks for your help.

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