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Mother of the Forest ( Muma Pădurii)

polycounter lvl 3
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BejanAndreiMihai polycounter lvl 3
Hey guys !
 Here's my entry for AMC Mythology Art Challenge. This is a character from Romanian folklore called Muma Pădurii which literally means Mother of the Forest. I did the concept and I was heavily inspired by the art of Witcher 3, Castlevania and also by the amazing sculpts of Raphael Grasseti and Glauco Longhi done for God of War. It was really fun to create this character, especially because there are not so many artworks inspired by Romanian folklore/mythology. 
She is a spirit of the forest in a very ugly and old woman's body. She lives in a dark, dreadful, hidden little house. She kidnaps little children and enslaves them.
I would love to hear ur opinions :) 
You can check my artstation here(included a marmoset viewer): https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k4wxey

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