Recently our studio is working on creating Procedural Rock with Houdini and Substance Designer.
Here are some productions we have created

First i create a basic shape using circle and polyextrude, a really simple shape
Then i use some vex to calculate the relative size of this shape and store it. This information will be read later to define how much point i am going to creat using scatter node
Then i make some basic shape using voronoi fracture and some custom function using vex
Then i copy this geometry to those points and i have this result
But now it's only a bunch of rock stacking together, it need merging.
So i convert it into VDB and convert it back from VDB to polygon
then i use pointVOP and volumnVOP to add more detail to it
then after unwraping it's uv, I use Substance Painter to bake it and make material in Substance Designer
So here's some other pictures of my work
Hope you guys like it, and maybe check out for more information at
If you like these rocks, leave a comment below and tell me whether you guys enjoy a tutorial about this procedural rocks.