Greetings everybody,
I have a question regarding to normal map re-rendering for a merged group of objects:
The task is:
There is a group of objects, each with itsown normal map, what is needed is to merge them into one, update UVWS and tranfer information from exsisting maps to a new one.
To perform that I attached all objects (with "Match Material IDs to Material" option), added "Unwrap UVW" modifer to it with Map Channel 2 selected, updated UVWs and Rendered to texture with channel 2 selected.
Result is on attached picture - even though information mostly been transered to relocated islands, normal orientation get altered:

All cilindrical part which had "flat pattern" added on original maps (and lookув just fine on renders) now get some roundness on it, elements like screws seem to be losing some normal orientation info.
No combination of Red\Green flipping\swapping provide me with result needed (even so some of them did made render look partially better).
What exactly caused this issue? Are they some additional important steps to RTT process I missing here?