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How do you organize files and resources?

I've currently got a full time job as a 3d artist, part time teaching it as a second job, and a few commitments to personal projects like involvement in Beyond Skyrim. I'm finding it a little maddening, constantly clicking through an endless number of folders to find this or that thing that I exported on this day for that project, but wait was it this folder or was it a test bake I threw over here?... Was it baked in Substance, and if so did it export to the default location again or the project folder I keep re-selecting every time? ... etc etc. At the same time, that's two workplaces plus frequent remote work from home, and files passing from cloud to cloud. I know, of course, a certain amount of discipline is mandatory, and I do try to keep things clean. But with tons of incremental saves, different projects, and software that wants to store everything in its own Documents folder, reference or concepts that get sent to you, etc etc... do you have any tips or a system for how you keep things in as much order as possible? I've tried a couple of things and I get by, but Im looking tp improve my logistics a bit.


  • Eric Chadwick
    We've talked about this a lot in the past. Try searching. Tons of good systems explained.
  • VanessaCeline
    Offline / Send Message
    VanessaCeline polycounter lvl 3
    We've talked about this a lot in the past. Try searching. Tons of good systems explained.
    Hey, I''m trying to find some info on this as well and I can t find anything specific for organizing file structures. Is there any post that you would recommend? 
  • sacboi
  • oglu
    Offline / Send Message
    oglu polycount lvl 666
    I create a Maya Project and use those created folders. 
  • poopipe
    Online / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    This sort of pattern works for most things. 

    Project/asset type/theme/asset/resource type

    For shared resources I treat each type of resource as a project

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
    Offline / Send Message
    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I find keeping a OneNote journal as a personal wiki helps a TON to keep long term notes about pipeline steps, or what to look out for during QA of a particular asset, etc.

    Look. I'm smart, sort of, but I find myself wasting a heinous amount of time re-searching for information I swear I already learned about two months ago and having to re-stitch together disparate info to the solution I originally used


    I could have taken the time to note down what I did in a way that makes sense to me so I can look at it later.  Even add keywords, etc. for searchability later.
  • fdfxd2
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    fdfxd2 interpolator
    lowly sorta sometimes freelance  prop artist here, so my system probably doesn't work in the real world but,

    I keep all my projects in a "Projects" folder with 3 subfolders (Active,Inactive & Completed) in an NTFS partition separate HDD I long for the day adobe ports photoshop to linux :(

    The directory tree of my average project folder looks a little like this,

    - _ref
    - _workref (important references)
    - _tex
    > T_$textureSet_$mapType.png
    - _delivery
    > _textures
    > $projectName - final.fbx
    - 00 - Exploration
    > $projectName - 00   - ##.blend
    - 01 - Blockout
    >  ## - $modelgroup
     > > $projectName 01 - ## $modelgroup - ## $definingChange  - ##.blend
    - 02 - Highpoly
    - 03 - Lowpoly
    - 04 - Baking/Texturing
    > _assets (for unique alpha stamps and the like)
    > $projectName  - Packing  - ##.blend
    > $projectName  - Export  - ##.blend
    > $projectName  - ##.spp
    - 05 - Rendering
    > _output
     > > $sceneTitle_$outputType.exr
    > $projectName - $sceneTitle  - ##.blend

    Of course it doesn't always end up like this, sometimes I just save whatever wherever (I usually regret it) but I do eventually format them this way later on.
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