I've noticed that the default panoramic environment map in 2018.3 isn't being rendered properly to the reflection on my material, making using the software really difficult as I can't see a proper specular highlight to work from.
This is what I get in 2018.2.2 which is what I expect.

And then increasing the roughness correctly blurs this.

But opening the environment image actually gives me this where the sun is - which is also what I see in the reflection in 2018.3.

I'm guessing this is to do with the default environment image being HDR, but it'd be great if anyone could clarify or give me a hand because trying to work with this in 2018.3 is just impossible.
Do you have screenshots of what the issue is in 2018.3?
But I do get the following issues on my work PC when testing this (Windows 10, Nvidia GTX 1070 8GB, 32GB RAM, i7-5820k).
It looks as though the cubemap is being sampled in the vertex shader instead of the frag shader causing these weird interpolation issues - or it could be mip-related. Something has definitely changed about how cubemaps work though.
Also yes on my machine at home where I was having those original issues it is as though the reflection sampler is clamping values between 0 and 1, thus cutting off the HDR range.
Guess that just leaves my original issue with my reflection map not being read as HDR.