This is my very first post on this site so I'm really hoping this will be a great place to get some helpful critiques on my work. So I'm begging you all to not hold back on me but also be helpful with your critiques.
Anyways, Just finished this game animation of a character throwing a powerful punch. My major concern with this animation is the fact that its not quick enough for a game animation.
So any critiques; both positive and negative, are appreciated.
SyncSketch link:
Player actions will be quicker, while NPC actions will have a larger antic window so players can read the attack and react.
Either way you want to use the time effectively. As soon as you can, get into the antic pose so the player has more frames to see it. If it's a player character you won't spend much time on the settle, where as NPCs can spend more time at the end returning to their idle pose.
Also the concerns about readability will be different.
If it's for a player, then show the animation from the angle the player will see it, which is probably from the rear.