Hey all, decided to do a short time based exercise using only 3ds max (painter and Unreal). Will reveal final time taken once finished as this is something I notice many artist ask about when starting out a project and studio environment is always looking for faster output. I am going for a diorama setup as I am into scale modelling like many and this way I ll be able to focus on my main goal rather than making a full environment that can take ~3-6 weeks depending on complexity.
Path deform still is horrible to work with so spacing tool ftw with manual tweak to wired led lighting, this little thing took the most time. Did some adjustments to certain meshes and well added a little cat (though not sure if I ll use the shadow projection of cat in final scene).
Anyone know better faster workflow for wired lights (Christmas lights) even if it uses plugins, everything I searched so far goes with path deform, twist method.
Did some more tweaks to street light angle and added a garment left out to dry. Setting it all up for unwrap and may be a quick test in UE4. Thanks for watching!!
Hello darkness my old friend..I mean Unreal. Glad 4.21 has this shadow filter to get rid of shadow acne finally after all these years, now I wonder if light bake seams are resolved on basic settings or still setting it all too high gets you smooth results. Today I kind of wasted looking into Unreal docs, youtube for stuff like stair step height even though I always go with correct scale turns out there are settings in character BP you can change to make it work. Even though I dont plan to do a walk through but its good to know your scene elements work!
It ll be fun trying to figure out advance material workflow inside UE4. My initial idea was to just get it done in Painter but it will be a missed opportunity if I dont look into UE4 features now after all the years away since UDK days.
Gonna sort out the TD before later, just for testing I am using UE4 default materials. Feel free to give feedback. Thanks
So today got more into UE Materials mostly instance stuff, little bit of lighting and camera features. Once I get to grips on how to use materials effectively along with decals I ll move to final stages. My initial idea of just making a one off texture in painter is out the window instead I plan to make use of tileable textures with decals and layering etc.
Thanks for watching!!
Today I kind of wasted looking into Unreal docs, youtube for stuff like stair step height even though I always go with correct scale turns out there are settings in character BP you can change to make it work. Even though I dont plan to do a walk through but its good to know your scene elements work!
Feel free to give feedback. Thanks