I tried making another game asset model from a concept art by
Dmitry SorokinThis is the first time I finished a "real" project in Maya instead of Cinema 4D which I'm more comfortable with. I decided I need to learn Maya because it's so common in the industry. That's why I made something really simple.
I also tried baking in Marmoset too and I'm getting better but it's still weird. I think I made the low poly mesh way too low poly.
I also went overboard with the weathering, I didn't realize how overkill it was because I wasn't changing the lighting. I've also been struggling with getting the assets to work in Unreal without finicking unless that's how its supposed to be.

modelHeres some problems I had with baking, The right one is from Substance and the left one is from Marmoset.
I think the problem with the furthest right circle is that the model was too low poly
The two other circles have a dark seam (There's a UV seam there but it seems too dark), I made all the UV island edges hard, and the rest soft but that didn't solve it.
In the left one, the indented circles are really dark and it's not just the lighting, even in direct light, it's still dark. That one seems to only be a problem I had with marmoset.
Pretty frustrating that my same model looks different all the time (substance, unity, unreal, marmo, sketchfab)

That was a lot, overall I think I'm still improving so that's good I guess.
Thanks for checking out my post
How do you have the cylindrical surface UV'd out on the UV map?
In sketchfab, if you click the model inspector, then 3d + 2d, and highlight your mouse over the model, it actually highlights where the corresponding part is and you can see all the UV stuff
I'm not sure what back cages are, is it this?
I've tried messing around with it but it doesn't seem to change anything.
Well, you're gonna have to basically either add more edges or just deal with it. Some assets don't need that much attention, though, in the context of a full game environment.