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Thinking about learning Modo, but will Indie be sufficient for me?

polycounter lvl 3
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Elarionus polycounter lvl 3
I've been seeing a lot of fantastic things about Modo the last few months, and I've always been nervous to make the switch because I'm a broke college student. I'm using the student licensed 3DS Max right now, and I've dabbled a tiny tiny bit in Maya. I'm pretty comfortable with modeling in general, and there have been some instances where I seem to be fighting Max more than using it. I've heard people say fantastic things about Modo's Boolean system and how they handle a lot of modeling tricks that require searching for scripts for Max. I have three main questions about it.

1. Is Modo that big of a jump from Max in terms of features and modeling? As in, worth the $10 a month, or $50 a month (if I go with the full version)?

2. I see a lot of professionals using Modo, as in high end, AAA professionals. Are there enough studios out there that are using it that it will benefit me when I'm looking for a job? I know most people just care if you know how to model. But if they didn't have to buy a different software suite, I imagine they'd be happier to have me.

3. Modo Indie seems to have a few restrictions. The most notable that I'm concerned about has to do with the implementation of third party scripts. There are some things in Max that I just simply cannot do without third party scripts. Is Modo the same way? Do I really need those scripts for the $40 a month more? (I also saw that you're limited in polycount on your export, but that's not really a problem, as I can just bring the lower poly model into Max and turbosmooth it there).

Overall, I was leaning towards it for an additional reason as well: once I graduate, Max will become so expensive that if I can't find a job right off the bat at a place that will pay for a license for me, my modeling days will be shortlived without Modo, which has a much more manageable price point.

A lot of people have suggested Blender, but I'm sorry, I've tried it and just wasn't able to quite get on board with it. Modo and Max are my two main considerations because of this.

Thanks in advance!


  • Daf57
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    Daf57 polycounter lvl 9
    Sorry, I don't know anything about Modo but wanted to mention that Blender 2.8 has made left click the default now - this is in case the reason you couldn't get on board with it was due to the previous right click orientation. Good luck with your decision! :)
  • Gustavo_Elliott
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    Gustavo_Elliott polycounter lvl 4
    I have the student license for Modo and I have to say the modeling seems quite different from programs like Max, Maya and Blender.  You don't need to invest yet if you are a student, https://www.foundry.com/edu/students  -- has all the necessary information to obtain a students license.
    I mainly use 3DS and I love it....  Blender is quite powerful though and is what I started on, I fought with 3DS for a while but then I started learning where to dig my trenches and place my mortars, I do still fight sometimes but most of my sacrifices are mended by a combo of Autosave and File history.  Max and Maya are industry standard though and you most likely will be required to handle one of them well at any large company.

    But yeah... try out Modo for free either through the trial or using a student license before dropping moneys..
     have a good one and good luck with the learning!

  • WilliamVaughan
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