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Motion Capture

polycounter lvl 4
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Beth polycounter lvl 4

I'm currently studying a masters in motion capture & animation in masters. Part of my course, I have a research paper to conduct. I am basing mine on the difference between directing motion capture and theater. I was wondering if I could get the community discussion on this, it would help with my primary & secondary research to get peoples opinion on this topic. I have listed some questions below, if any one could give me their opinion or knowledge on this it would be hugely appreciated. 

A lot of motion capture companies (Mainly focusing Video game companies) request directors who have several years experience with motion capture or theater, obviously the skills are transferable. I am focusing on this more as if the motion capture data would be used for a video game rather then a film. 

1 / What do you think the main differences between directing in motion capture suite and in a theater production are? 
2 / Does directing motion capture require full understanding of the equipment?
3 / Is directing motion capture focused on the performance then the equipment and quality of the mocap data?
4 / From an Actors point of view, would they need to perform differently to on stage then in the motion capture suite? Do they need to understand the way they move physically more then they would on stage? 
5 / Does the director need to work with the data or would that be the techs job? 
6 / Could someone who only directs motion capture easily transfer into theater?
7 / Motion capture is becoming more popularly used within films and the performance from motion capture for video games are become more theatrical and emotional, is this the reason we are looking towards directors from film and theater? (to get more from the performance) If so, what do you think this could mean for the future of using motion capture? (for example, will motion capture be used heavily? Improving the equipment? etc) 
8 / What is your opinion on motion capture using directors that lack experience with videos games or equipment?  
9 / Does directing motion capture require the same skill level as of that for films or theater? 

If you have any other pinions about this topic, not including this questions please add them too. You don't need to answer all the questions, hopefully you understand I am trying to ask and I am sorry if they seem like simple or stupid questions I am trying to get an overall opinion of what people are thinking. Any feedback or response would be hugely appreciated. 

Thank you so much! 
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