Hi everyone! My name is Alvaro and I from Spain. I am studying game development for about 1 year more or less and I want to share with you my final Master Project of Unity that I am coursing right now. I open this thread to update the development of this project.
The game is called "
Fifo's Night" and is a 3D Plaforms and Action game in which you control a little Ghost called "
Fifo", and the main Quest is to collect all the Magic Power Candys that have been stollen from the "
CandyWood Mansion".
The game is inspired in games like Yooka Laylee, The Legend of Zelda, Luigi's Mansion, Crash Bandicoot, Mario Galaxy and more. The development will take about four months to be completed, starting it at the beginning of December 2018 and releasing in March 2019.
I will apreciate some feedback and I hope you like it. I will update the thread every week so stay tunned!

Today I want to share the progress that I made in the movement of the character and the camera controls.
For the movement I made the horizontal displace, single jump , double jump and attack, and for the tongue and tails I used Dynamic Bones.
And for the camera I made that the character orientate in funcition of the forward of the camera and collide with the environment using rays. Here a video example.
This week I have been working on the modular environment for the level 1. It's a modular with a dungeon theme. The next days I will work in the details and I hopefully finished it the next weekend.
I made the shader totally customizable as you can see in the .gif to can adjust the color, and probably I will used it in other zones only by changeing the colors, and thats the textures I made in Substance Desingner for the differents parts of the modular.
Here you can see a concept for the next update I will make the next days. Hope you like it!
See you in a couple of days!
Today I want to share with you the progress I made in the combat.This week I made the health bar, the stamina and the Enemy Controller. Hope you like it!
This week I was bussy making the modular and setting up the main part of the level 1 (The Dungeon). I made some changes in the textures showing before in the post and finished the details and some props. Hope you like it!
Some this will change in the future, it's still in WIP.
Here some screenshots and a little video moving Fifo around the environment: