I'm about to begin a big sci-fi project, and I've been reading up on a lot of Alex Senechal's works and blogs. He talks about these things called "Trim Sheets" a lot, which seem to just be flat planes with a ton of different details in them. They don't necessarily flow together though. It looks like it's just a collection of all of the details that he plans on using on a piece. I have folders of alphas and whatnot, and I was wondering, what exactly are these Trim Sheets, and how do people use them to modify their work? The main term I hear thrown around with it is modularity...where does that come into play? Thanks!
Cut edges into the model, where you need UV seams.
UV a selection of polygons, scaling and moving the UVs to fit into specific parts of the texture.
Use a separate material for each texture layout.
The most optimal way would be trim sheets for a staircase, yes, since there is plenty of repeating elements. What you referred to in the first post, the sheet with tons of different details that don't flow together, is known as a decal sheet. Which can be used to just float details onto meshes.
Trim sheet = a bunch of textures laid out side-by-side inside one bitmap.
Decal sheet = same, except these are overlaid on top of another texture. Either via transparent edges, or buffered rendering (deferred rendering, stencil buffers, etc.).
On the other hand, it raises some new questions. If the trim sheet is only the size of one UV chunk, how do you make things big enough or small enough? Because of the size of trim sheets and the limits you have to fit things into them, do you make multiple trim sheets for different things? Like a trim sheet for floors, a trim sheet for walls, and a trim sheet for ceilings? Aside from the modularity of it, for the most part, you're still hand placing UV maps. Is it just to save space so that you don't need several hundred different texture maps?
And while I was typing that I thought of another one...if you have a trim sheet for a floor, and you have four separate patterns side by side on the trim sheet, you have to fit the floor polygons into one fourth of the UV space. Wouldn't that make it come through quite blurry?
All of these questions are assuming I'm understanding them correctly of course. And thanks for taking the time to explain it.
You can make the sub-texture tile left-to-right, or top-bottom. Then scale the UV strip of polygons outside the UV square to tile.
Another is to split polygons with new edges whenever you need to tile. Then stack the UV polygons inside the same sub-texture. Extreme example... floor is a giant plane, divided into a quad for each floor tile, all uvd to same sub-texture.
Another way is to use a shader to virtually split the sub-texture into individual tiled textures.
I'll try to answer more later.
The trade off is more art prep time, and more complex shaders. But depends on the situation. Each game accepts different tradeoffs to weigh its unique goals.
Yes we stand on the shoulders of giants, etc. However, you must exercise caution not to take these things as "ultimate truth" , including my posts too haha.
Research, test, fail, question, ponder... repeat. This is the path to sure knowledge. And it's a blast! Learning is the best part of my day.
https://api.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/TerrainAdvancedTextures.html#Texture Packing: Implementing large texture tile sets
Once you get through his tutorial, you'll see how versatile it really is, and how to visualize the process. It's quite fascinating. Lots of techniques to explore.
Also, "hero" assets are usually uniquely textured.
Typically the width of the piece of trim should match up roughly with your tiling texture when it comes to texel density. Sometimes you might have to stretch the trim UVs for things like round columns so there isn't a seam but even then it shouldn't be drastic.