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Japanese Shrine

polycounter lvl 2
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Steampoweredman483 polycounter lvl 2
Hi everyone, 

Latest sculpt I am working on for my own portfolio piece before I start re-topping, I wanted your opinion so that I may improve. 

Thank you. 


  • apollo580
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    apollo580 polycounter lvl 9
    I like the design! Looks interesting but I have some comments. From these pictures it seems you applied a noise ontop of the entire model to give it that rocky look but I think you might not have enough resolution because it kind of looks a bit off to me. Additionally some areas look super smooth with no noise, I would add some noise to those parts as well. Lastly its hard to tell but check out how cracks on rocks look in real life, at the moment they look like you just used a clay brush and dug away some chips. Try using a hpolish and trimdynamic brush or even the orbs crack brush to get a more natural look similar to what I linked below. Good luck! Its looking good!

    Image result for cracks in statue

  • Steampoweredman483
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    Steampoweredman483 polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you so much Apollo for your advice! You are right on everything you said that I did :sweat_smile: As far as resolution goes though there is a lot of density on each of the models and I unfortunately can't go any further.... I will find out what I can do though. 

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