Hi Polycount community! My first post here.
I my main activity is web-design, but I really would like to start as a 3D Artist, preferably in gamedev.
So, my path started from trying a MODO, (if you are interested my very first work is on Artstation profile) it's quite good, but suddenly I realized that studios prefer to use Maya (maybe as AiO tool). In that case I started to search for Maya tuto. And I found it, it's a great tuto Fuze 07 by Wizix:
I think that it is finished (to be honest my notebook hardly manages texturing process because of GT650M). For texturing process I used Substance Painter and Iray.
I studied a Substance also to gain a PBR texturing skill.
As I want to grow in my 3D skills I would like to hear a feedback from polycount community!
Should I post it to Artstation as a portfolio, or better to finish a personal project?
Thank you!

Here is the reference image.
And my renders:
Overall i feel it is really well done
But i feel your proportions are off, the blades and feet feel too short
In the concept you can see the feet extending past the barrel of the weapon
Also on the top "Dome" you are missing a few pieces
i also feel the area under the blades you kinda went your own way ( totally fine
I would just add more detail to it really take a look at what is in the concept art and use that as inspiration
For now I switched to another personal project, and return to this again, to refresh the mind