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3D Environment WIP, Sci fi

polycounter lvl 5
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Mattrobe polycounter lvl 5
So I've been working on this piece for a couple months in between work. This is the progress so far. 

I have made some modular pieces I can click together in engine to create the base room. 

I am going for a power room. I aim to practice lighting in this project. so I put the models in engine (some texture with metal) to see light tests. 

Just getting a feel for the texturing and light effects. 

I have unwrapped the models I have made to be placed in the engine along with textures (not fully complete for each model) 

I have tried to keep the textures clean and simple, basing them off certain sci fi concepts I have seen. I don't know whether the outside lighting is overpowering the scene. Critique is much appreciated to anyone reading :smile: 

Here I have added a ceiling model. still yet to texture certain models. I need to redo the back wall texture as I find it quite dull. Also I need to reduce the bloom from the lights. 

so that's it so far, ANY critique/ideas to improve the scene is much appreciated, I haven't really based this scene from a concept I have roughly taken a bunch of sci fi concepts and inspired from them. 


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    I think its look good.....Just a question why are you using HP assets it would easier to texture/UV alot of your pieces by baking them down

    For your lighting you are not getting any of the lightin from the green LEDs i would place a few green lights to color the scene a bit
  • Mattrobe
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    Mattrobe polycounter lvl 5
    CgLewis, Thank you so much for your feedback . I am changing the lighting as we speak to gain more of a green tint in the certain areas. 

    In terms of High poly assets, my models don't really surpass 4k tris each, most of them don't go over 1k, but in fairness I could of baked down the assets to gain more detail, I think at the time of creating them I didn't think it was needed. I was thinking of going back to the bigger models (back wall/ceiling) to create a better detailed versions in which I would bake it down. 

    Thanks again ! 
  • Mattrobe
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    Mattrobe polycounter lvl 5
    I have made some changes to the scene regarding lighting and I have added some small steam particles on the floor vents. 
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    How dramatic are you wanting to go with your lighting?
    Do you have a mood board?

    It also looks like you have Auto Exposure enabled i would disable that (Project Settings > Rendering and it is under the post process section)

    for your steam i feel it is too small for the what your are trying to show.....it looks like little bullet hole steam vents.....given the size of your floor vents i would image you would want a slow/large area steam similar to the starter content steam particle effect 

  • Mattrobe
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    Mattrobe polycounter lvl 5

    Thank you for the auto exposure tip!. Yeah I've got an image bank on my pc of some lighting basics for sci fi environments as I'm quite new to it, I've been looking at basic hot and cold lighting. Anything you would you suggest ? I'm gonna add a small light on the ceiling once I have textured it. 

    Yeah I see what you mean for the steam. I will keep at it with the particle system :smile: 

    Here is where the scene is at so far :smile: 

  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    I feel that is looking better, I would look at your bank of images and pic a few that you feel best represent the scene and really study them....bring them into photoshop and color pick the contrasting colors then do a paint over of your scene and play with areas of light and dark that will really help you figure out a mood for the scene.....

    By what you have set up now i am assuming you want the handprint scanner area to be the focal point of the scene.....if that is true i would maybe close the window on the left hand side....and overall darken scene the blue light should be the brightest point in the scene but it should not over power the scene....and maybe change the color of the hand print to be orange
  • Mattrobe
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    Mattrobe polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you for your help man, will post some updates soon on the progress :smile: 
  • Mattrobe
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    Mattrobe polycounter lvl 5
    I have updated the steam particle system, I have made it wider and less visible. :smile: 


    Also I have changed the lights slightly to emphasize a view point. (the door). still need to close the left though :smile: 
  • Mattrobe
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    Mattrobe polycounter lvl 5
    So I have nearly finished this environment now. I have changed the lighting effects a bit drastically. finished textures now, all in 1024*1024 resolution. just need any last critiques from fellow artists :smile: 

    Anything I can change/add let me know :smile: 
    Ty in advance. 

    I have closed off both windows as I though they were a bit distracting from the Centre. Which was suggested to me by cglewis. 
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