Hey guys this is my new character project, the Musket Knight! A bit late on the posting this guy been fiddling in my free time with it.
Any thoughts/Critique? would be great to hear it!

Based on the concept by Ariel Perez:
I'm curious how you will manage all the HP to LP retopo and bakes for this intricate of a model. That is what has always been so daunting to me.
Ay cheers man
I found the chest piece a hard piece to interpret, the problem of one angle. I changed the pattern on it a bit .
for baking it is really just planning your texture sets.
The rope and certain belts are going to be trim sheets to keep that sweet res
Any resources about incorporating trim sheets into a character model? Never heard of that workflow except for use on buildings and environments
The forearms will look longer since the gloves are scaled about 15% bigger. For a nice videogame reads of hands are better if they are a bit bigger than realistic.
I did move the gloves further up the arm after your crit.
I do not know of any direct trim sheet tuts or resources aim for character. However, its one of those videogame workflows, that sacrifices a beautiful high poly for a better in engine result.
You would just want another material which is trim sheet dedicated or a trim texture in your UV space of your existing materials. So touching the boarder of the UV area. Then you will have much more res and juicy detail.
Any place you think you can repeat detail might be worth considering.
Hope that was helpful.
Got ride of my block out cloth with a pass in Marvelous designer using morph targets on some clothes I had set up earlier.
There is some issues of clipping initially.
Solve by using pins, collision distance, dropping second layer, adjusting morph targets ztools. Then if all that fails sculpt the fix in zbrush
Hey thanks for the feedback man, I think I going to play around with the proportions a bit so it was helpful in the end!
Go nuts XD
I would recommend looking at how environment artist use them for a better explanation.
Existential it a tilling texture (hits the UV borders). So you can reuse it for more than one thing, saving UV space. It is a material efficiency technique.
Oh dude that is awesome I didn't know there was reference of that, good find! Yeah I'll literally be doing that, down the line.
Thank you for that link jayson! It now gives me an idea of what can be accomplished. I definately want to incorporate texture sheets into my next project. Building a library of these would be amazing. Where did you find the breakdown? I'd love to see more
found some info here: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?193491-The-Order-1886-Team-Post
and here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/03x6w
Really cool stuff
Ay that is some decent crit, I will get around to fixing that. Should of been a bit more conscious of my scan! Yeah with the head especially I need to rethink the helmet design.
- Make sure that layer is at the bottom of the stack.
This will mean it is first priority layer. Anything above it will apply after the first priority layer.Just some work on the aiguillete. The main part of the rope was a made using a tiling alpha I created in zbrush, which has baked to tile.
Hopefully the proportions look a bit better. Here are all the things I changed.
Thank you for this thread, not only is your piece coming along great, but all of the feedback and reference it's gathering has been great to study!
I understand that the armor is making him look clunkier and bigger, but I believe the proportions are still thrown off.
Ay hopefully better :DDDDD
Man that joke, I literally groaned out loud
When I mean I shrunk the Crainium I am referring to the posterior of the skull, which I reduced. (Occipitus) sorry a little unclear there!
Cool Gif by the way
Damn I need to scale up the head even more. Thanks for shouting that out. When I was making the gorget I squeezed the neck together so I should of brang the original scan in earlier. I keep getting surprised how big the head is.
Probably something to do with the neck length
Small update messed with the helmet a lil bit.
Been busy with uni and been ill for a bit hence slow progress
Changed a few secondary forms
musket knight with a musket
Revisited the ace for some work on the secondary forms
The last minor critique is that the edges of the upper lip seem too sharp. I'm still practicing face anatomy, so this could be entirely erroneous.
ay cheers for the crit man I'll get around to messing with the ear.
edge of the upper lip is where the skin rolls in so I'll try and convey that better.
Been doing a bunch of work on the face with the secondary forms recently
retop time!!
Maybe the musket barrel looks too short, but hard to gauge when it's isolated from the character.
texturing so far working with some of the colours, trying to fill in the gaps of the concept.
Also the trim texture, musket and bandoleer are not added yet.
https://www.artstation.com/squary101 check it out here if you like
Looks like your face texturing could use some SSS and some more loving. But what's best is that you completed a whole character. Onto the next! Good stuff dude
Also your eye shader is a quite off. This marmoset breakdown is a great look into nice realtime skin and eye shading. It helped me a lot
(edit: although you rendered in ue4, the principles still apply)
Oh totally agree with the critique I think my next project will be portrait focused to hammer the face/eye theory, get it picture perfect, that kind of set up.
Acually choose to render in marmoset in end, just because all the set up was way too much and I wanted to get this one finished.
Definitely looking forward to the next one! thanks for all of your crit Blake super useful!!!
I would love to see him with the pose more like in the concept, there is somthing strange in yours, looks like the character has a problem on his stomach and the face looks a bit odd like he is afraid or in pain of something, might be some subtle changes to his pose/ face emotion would be benefitial more like he is ready for the battle, face looks fantastic but I would love to see him with his helmet on, is a nice piece of geo that could help a lot to your final image and silhouette of the character on your final render I think.
About the materials, they look nice but a thing that I would add would be more contrast to the textures, more color variations in general, and some more dirts/grim specially where pieces join together, this is nice character but i think still can be improved a lot on the textures and lightning , for the render you can add some rim lights that also helps a lot to the final image
Yeah this is all really good crit. I think this is the kind of thinking/ planning I will bring to my next project. This ones scope got pretty out of control so something a bit more manageable to really push my rendering, lighting and texture comp.
Thanks though man this is some amazing critque!