(And a quick render test, didn't really like the way it went but it shows off the rigging very well so whatever!)

Hey everyone! I'd like to present you my model, Kheera Reach. She's a Jedi from the Star Wars universe (own creation), and a Cathar as species. To keep the story short, this is my first real big project with rigging, shape keys for the expressions, learning how to use proper topology and you can see throughout the model how I've slowly learned more and more. It's been a year-long process where I've had several large breaks in between, but I'm so glad she's done!
Because of my lack of topology understanding when I started this project the body is based off a base I found. I got "greedy" because I wanted to be done with the mesh as soon as possible just so I could texture (I like texturing a lot!) and therefore didn't bother learning the basics of topology until I hit a stone wall because I had no idea what I was doing. And the mouth is just a mouth I found on the internet. And I have to say, it saddens me that because of this the model isn't 100% "me". But it has taught me what to prepare for, for my next project. So the next model is 100% going to be me and that's also exciting!
(I'd also like to credit Squishydew, my partner in crime, for the lightsaber hilt's mesh. And the mesh of the small needle in her pouch! He's learning blender himself and wanted to help out).
Thank you all for taking your time to read everything!
Edit: Added some beauty shots and removed the concept arty stuff, felt out of place.
Thank you so much for your compliment. I suppose it really helps that I "own" this character for three years now, in which I've changed her drastically several times and finetuned her so it fits with my style. (As an example, she used to have pink hair but then I decided "megh, that's too edgy" and tadah, now she's back to blonde with a touch of pink hair dye near the end of her hair). And that allowed me to fully explore her and break away from the typical Star wars / Jedi. Okay, I'm rambling way too much out of happiness. Just, thank you, again! It means so much to me.