Hey guys, in last 10 days or so I've made 4 models/scenes that I want to share with you and hopefully get some critique on.
This medieval brewery I've worked on for about 3 days. I'm more or less happy with how it turned out with an exception to the tank itself being a bit boring.

Here's the low poly version:

And high poly after some work in ZBrush. The stones are a bit too small for my liking but I noticed it way too late.

Reference picture I used.

Next piece is a simple weapon I made using, again, 3ds max, Zbrush and painter in a few hours

Low poly tree based on an image I found online

And finally my recent model of a SAI Glock

Sorry for huge images and large post overall but I didn't want to make a separate topic for each model since besides the first one they're not THAT complex.
I really look forward to your critique because I've been doing a lot of models lately and want to learn as much as possible instead of just blindly doing what I'm doing and cement my mistakes.
1. Def needs grass
2. Colors are a bit off. I think that you need to crank overall saturation up a bit. It also lacks that cartoonish feel.
3. What lighting setup do you use? I think that simple 3 point yellow/blue lights will make it look better
Overall good model, keep it up!
I agree that colors are not perfect there but I didn't know how to get the cartoonish feel. No idea how to achieve that, tried a few things in final rendering but wasnt able to pull it off. Would love some guidlines on how to do that.
Thanks for the answer!