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Sketchbook: Zak K.

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BigBro2345 triangle
Hello all, my name is Zak.
I am currently 25 years old (Wow, how did that happen so fast?!)
I am a self taught 3D artist.
Started learning game design in 2013 and have been teaching myself on and off ever since then.

The programs that I currently know how to use are the following:
  • Maya
  • Blender (Don't use anymore)
  • Zbrush
  • Substance Designer
  • Substance Painter
  • Substance B2M
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Paint.net (Shout out to those that have used it)
  • Unity
I hope to one day have a job in the games industry as a 3D modeler.
I mostly specialize in hard surface modeling, but have made a few organic plants in the past.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy my sketchbook. Feel free to give creative criticism as it helps me improve.


  • BigBro2345
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    BigBro2345 triangle
    Time for my first post!!

    Ever since October of 2018 I have been working on a real time scene in Unity as a portfolio filler.
    The plan was to make a video and have the camera slowly go down an old, decomposing hallway that is situated within an insane asylum.
    (I know, super unique right? ;) )

    Joking aside, this is going to be my first completed scene in a game engine, and I am very nervous yet excited to show you all the progress that I will be making from now on.

    A quick story behind the scene:
    The asylum was built in the 40s and ran through the early 70s until it was finally shut down and abandoned.
    I want the scene to appear like it was frozen in time, with most furniture still there having the appearance of decay from neglect and old age throughout the years since then. There may be something terrible lurking within the building, things won't appear right. Music will be playing from a record player in the recreational room which is what the end of the hallway will lead to.
    There will be a light dangling from the ceiling that will be flickering on and off as the camera slowly goes down the hallway and eventually leading into the decently lit recreational room, where the camera will stop and begin slowly spinning in place to show the room in a panoramic view before the video ends. There will of course be several pictures around the scene which the camera won't be able to capture in all its "beauty".

    Everything in the scene will be 100% made by me, myself and I alone by using Maya, SD & SP.

    Time to show you what progress I have made so far!
    The first picture shown was the original blocking of the scene.
    The two photos below that are what I have so far, still a major WIP, which I will be updating often on here as I progress.

    Hope you all like it, and if you have any recommendations please let me know. :)

    Blocking out scene:

    Up to date:

  • BigBro2345
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    BigBro2345 triangle
    Finally had enough time to finish some small medical props that I plan on using in the cabinetry inside the room to the right of the hallway.
    It will help fill out the scene. However, they are small props, so I decided to group all the medical boxes (Including the medical crate) into one 2K UV. Also doing the same with the medicine bottles. The needle has its own 512p UV.

    While I wish to go back and fix some mistakes with the orange medical box and needle's textures, I'm not sure if I will have enough time to do so. Hope you all enjoy. :smiley: 

    If you read some of the writing I think you may get a smile. Might as well have some fun while I'm at it!

    (Just rendered each model and threw them together in Photoshop)

  • BigBro2345
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    BigBro2345 triangle
    Currently in the process of blocking out the scene in the recreational room at the end of the hallway.
    Having a tough time getting the size of objects down correctly, but I'm pretty confident that I can get it eventually.

    Even the windows are just cut outs for now and the lighting needs a bit of work.
    The only thing that I can basically call done are the wood floor textures for now.

    If you have any recommendations feel free to comment. :smiley: 

  • BigBro2345
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    BigBro2345 triangle
    Beginning to make furniture for the recreational room. Proud to have finished my first piece!

    I used the complete workflow for this one; Maya, ZBrush & Painter.

    The diamond patterns were quite difficult to get right for some reason, still aren't perfect in my opinion. I spent around 8 - 10 hours just on the texturing alone. Getting the torn fabric on the cushions were quite challenging for me at first. Never really worked with torn cloth in Painter before. Like I said, learned a lot!

    Rendered in Marmoset with a single 4k texture. :smile:

  • BigBro2345
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    BigBro2345 triangle
    Finished the chair. I'm a bit disappointed with how it turned out. I was struggled with the leather and the wood for quite a while. Couldn't get anything right. I made the chesterfield pattern all wrong, and getting the creases in the leather is really tough for me in ZBrush because I don't have a tablet right now so I'm stuck using the mouse. I actually added most of the creases using Painter, but I'm still quite dissatisfied with the results.

    This and the couch are both the only times that I've ever worked with leather before, so it has definitely been a tough learning experience. I'm done with this one at the moment, I feel like I'm running out of time to get the project done and I need to move on to a double seated couch now, wish me luck. lol :#
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