Hello all, my name is Zak.
I am currently 25 years old (Wow, how did that happen so fast?!)
I am a self taught 3D artist.
Started learning game design in 2013 and have been teaching myself on and off ever since then.
The programs that I currently know how to use are the following:
- Maya
- Blender (Don't use anymore)
- Zbrush
- Substance Designer
- Substance Painter
- Substance B2M
- Adobe Photoshop
- Paint.net (Shout out to those that have used it)
- Unity
I hope to one day have a job in the games industry as a 3D modeler.
I mostly specialize in hard surface modeling, but have made a few organic plants in the past.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy my sketchbook. Feel free to give creative criticism as it helps me improve.