Hi, I'm new to the forum and to ZBrush, and would like some feedback on my sculpt of Ken Masters, as I really have no other source of feedback, and there is great skill and talent on this forum. This is my 3rd attempt at a character sculpt.
I wonder if the project is good enough to continue with and actually complete?

The mesh is being pinched on the obliques because I decimated the model, then made major changes there. Something I need to remember to avoid doing lol.
How can I improve from this point? I don't really know how to sculpt hair or clothes yet. Do I move on to clothing then hair, or does the body still need more work?
As someone who wants to pursue a career in character modelling, judging from this sculpt, do I have the potential to achieve this ambition?
Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and for your feedback.
It looks like Fist of the North Star.
Is this stylistically your intention?
In that context, I think the hands are too small and the pecs and the shoulders are super big.
Or the other way around, I could see the guy having giant pecs and shoulders but then the rest of the body needs to have something close to that.
That said If you were to rig the model, as the model is not posed atm, the arm positions are very awkward.
The standard is an A pose, sometimes with slightly bent arms and fingers.
Really like the head tho, keep it up
Thanks for the feedback. I think I will scale the hands up.
Is it worth reposing the model for the sake of having a correct A-pose?
Cheers for the compliment about the head!