I've been working on my game project for over a year and a
half now but i never had enough people to help me with it, that's why
I'm writing this thread.
The game is a 3D stealth anime style
game about a 24 year old woman who one day found her brother shot in the
head when coming back from work. She then decides to infiltrate his
school, disguised as a teenager student to invistigate and possibly find
the murderer, but she has to maintain the reputation of a normal
schoolgirl to not lit up doubts or suspicionsand to not get expelled
from the school.
If you'd like to learn more, here is a game design document :
Now, what we need are motivated and active people :
modellers, that can model props or outfits/hairstyles (etc...) for
characters. They should be able to texture their models and in anime
cell shaded style. Here are some examples of the game's style :
https://sta.sh/24j9vzx05p1-Animators, that animate with Maya.
-Illustrators or concept artists, that can draw characters with good proportions, or rooms.
-And pixel artists to help us make the sprites for the pixelated mini-games.
If you're wondering "who would help for free?", here's my answer :
-People that want a solid portfolio (contributing to a project helps)
-Students in one of those domains, that want to improve,
-Or simply people that have time and want to contribute to a project for fun.
Also, if the game gets sold eventually, we'll share the revenues..
If you're interested, please contact me through mails at
potixhe@hotmail.com, or on discord at Poth
#2256.Thank youf for reading this and I hope you'd be interested!