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Houdini Arnold rendering issue with spec primary, secondary and iterations issue

polycounter lvl 6
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ISUther polycounter lvl 6

Houdini Arnold "Standard Surface" node. It has inputs for specular as follows: * Specular - Influences brightness of spec* Specular color - defines color of specularity* Specular roughness - controlls glosines / roughness of the mesh* Specular IOR* Specular Anistropy* Specular rotatation
In my case i have one spec map that dictates over all object specularity (i use specular_roughness to dictate that specularity. But i now need to plug in also secondary specular map for lips and one for oili areas of model. So that is 2 extra specularity maps. But i have no clue how to connect the secondary map and have separate controls for roughness and specularity for it. Can someone assist what node to use?

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