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Anyone using Houdini as their main DCC application ? ( especially modeling )

polycounter lvl 6
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Andreicus polycounter lvl 6
I'm asking this question for curiosity, does anyone use Houdini as their main software instead of something else like Maya, Blender etc. ?
And what is your opinion about it ?

I'm especially interested in the modeling aspect of it and to hear your opinion about the new direct modeling tools ( the radial menu stuff ) and modeling workflow in general.

In my case i used it in the past for FX simulations than i recently tried it out for modeling but even after watching tons of tutorials for a lot of months at some point it seems that you are forced to use some VEX scripting to get stuff done quickly or you must create a complex node setup to generate procedural stuff ( ex. buildings ) and when it comes to logical thinking or maths i suck.


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    The overwhelming answer to this is going to be no. 

    Houdini is extremely expensive for studios and offers no  benefits over max or maya in terms of modeling for 99.9% of 3d artists. 

    Sure, you'll get the occasional freelancer or someone from a particularly unusual studio pop up and say they use it exclusively for building characters but in my experience it's been difficult to justify the license cost to management for  technical artists let alone modellers.
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