Hey all, been working on a project for a couple weeks now and am pleased with how its coming out.

Cloak is a game based on my dreams, both lucid and not, and I am working on connecting them into a video game with an aesthetic art style, engaging and mysterious story, and a little bit of combat and puzzle solving. I'll be posting more photos soon and will also have a development logging series posted on YouTube in the coming weeks.
Here's another image for ya!

Lately I've been making progress writing more story and finalizing more game mechanics as well as determining the result of my planned work for the next 5 or so months. This project stands as a thesis - a showcase of my skills gained as a result of the 5 years schooling in Digital Media, Animation, Software Programming, Photo/video editing, life drawing, color theory, etc. and how I have corralled them into something tangible and creative. I have figured many things out and progress is moving fast, and for every problem I solve, I seem to create two more. This is as expected as I am still finalizing the story details and mechanics. I've started compiling a list of in-game items that can be collected and some of their Item Traits as well as some shaders and graphics tricks I'm going to have to come up with to get the effects I want. So far most things are doable, and the ones that are on the line have really good tutorial solutions for them, so I've still got high hopes.
I managed to play around with world building a bit before this post and with the help of one of my favorite Unity assets, MeshDeformer, I was able to create seamless cliffs and stone retaining walls that I can manipulate to match my terrain. This is really important to my target visual style and to game play and world immersion. Enjoy some more screenshots! Until next time!
Happy New Year's everyone! Its been a little while since I was last active - holidays and online classes have all but eaten up my time. Either way, I have some big news for Cloak!
I have decided to upload an interactive teaser for the game, nothing much, but a little step in the direction I want to go. It's just a simple character customizer for the main game, but hopefully it shows some progress and is a little more exciting than some fancy pictures. You can switch out different outfits, change their colors, and save the screenshots - like I said, nothing huge, but still a step in the right direction.
The teaser will drop here on Itch.io Monday January 14, 2019 at 12:00AM EST! See you then!
As far as development in the future is concerned, I will be moving ahead with the project. Having put another few dreams under my belt - I had to wait for some really strange ones to keep the game interesting - I have more story to go off of and will be able to flesh out the world much easier. Currently I am focused on rigging the character, animating them, and getting the player controller to work. I will be posting a few videos on that process, but it may be a while as next semester - my final semester - is going to be packed with schooling and job hunting.
Lastly, I wanted to let you all know that I have modified my development process somewhat after extensive research on the matter. While the best strategy for efficiently using time and resources is to plan every aspect and then begin production, it's not so practical for an indie game developer looking for feedback and a community to grow with the game. As a result, I have decided to focus my efforts on the first chapter of the game which includes several "stages" but is restricted to the first few areas. As I develop the game further, I will add those areas and flesh out as I go.
Thanks to everyone who has been keeping up with me since the start, and for anyone new welcome! I am eager for the future and what 2019 holds!
Happy New Year's everyone! Its been a little while since I was last active - holidays and online classes have all but eaten up my time. Either way, I have some big news for Cloak!
I have decided to upload an interactive teaser for the game, nothing much, but a little step in the direction I want to go. It's just a simple character customizer for the main game, but hopefully it shows some progress and is a little more exciting than some fancy pictures. You can switch out different outfits, change their colors, and save the screenshots - like I said, nothing huge, but still a step in the right direction.
The teaser will drop here on Itch.io Monday January 14, 2019 at 12:00 AM EST! See you then!
As far as development in the future is concerned, I will be moving ahead with the project. Having put another few dreams under my belt - I had to wait for some really strange ones to keep the game interesting - I have more story to go off of and will be able to flesh out the world much easier. Currently I am focused on rigging the character, animating them, and getting the player controller to work. I will be posting a few videos on that process, but it may be a while as next semester - my final semester - is going to be packed with schooling and job hunting.
Lastly, I wanted to let you all know that I have modified my development process somewhat after extensive research on the matter. While the best strategy for efficiently using time and resources is to plan every aspect and then begin production, it's not so practical for an indie game developer looking for feedback and a community to grow with the game. As a result, I have decided to focus my efforts on the first chapter of the game which includes several "stages" but is restricted to the first few areas. As I develop the game further, I will add those areas and flesh out as I go.
Thanks to everyone who has been keeping up with me since the start, and for anyone new welcome! I am eager for the future and what 2019 holds!