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[UE4] Stylized Druid's Sanctuary

polycounter lvl 4
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balmy3D polycounter lvl 4
Hi Guys, 

I don't usually post on this forum very often but wanted to share my latest scene that I've finished making in my own personal time when I'm not doing freelance!

I decided I would work on a scene that didn't revolve around any concept art and just came completely from my own head. 

I've put high res images on my Artstation profile here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/n...mentId=2126959 



  • Quasar
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    Quasar polycounter lvl 19
    I dig the atmosphere you've created, especially the lighting. The foliage on the other hand looks really flat and doesn't look like it's anchored to anything. It's like there's no plant, it's just leaves floating around
  • balmy3D
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    balmy3D polycounter lvl 4
    Hi Quasar. Thanks for the kind words. In regards to the foliage, this is stylized, take a look at games like Rime or Ashen, that's the sort of thing I was going for. They generally use flat colors for foliage. In regards to them not being anchored to anything, they do actually have stalks, the bushes and connect into the rocks. I left gaps in the leaves to show a bit more depth. Again, it's very normal this way of doing it in other stylized games.. Countless stylized games just do bushes built around a sphere and then place them on objects and ground with flat colors. 

  • Maenar
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    Maenar polycounter lvl 3
    This is Dope, Don't agree with Quasar that the leaves look flat, it matches the style of the piece and really helps bring out the rest of the features, its amazing what spots of colour can do to help break down a scene!! seriously great work :)
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