Hi all. I would really appreciate if someone can link me to some good tutorials specifically for maya to modo. Im currently trying to learn modo to make use of its powerful new operator workflow. But to do that i need to at least get comfortable using modo.
i feel so crippled right now, i m having trouble with the most simplest task atm.for example i cannot figure out how to cap a hole. tried the fill quad options but doesnt really work for me. another thing im looking for is how to create a cylinder with uniform scale, meaning a round cylinder instead of a ellipse cylinder, this i really easy to do in maya.
This might be useful:
MODO for Maya Artists
and Tor Frick's tutorials are a must if hard surface is your thing.
Alternately, if you click on the primitive you want to create, like a cylinder for example, then before you click drag to create it, you can set all the object parameters in the bottom left hand side of the screen. Once you get the parameters to what you want, then you just right click in the viewport and it will create that primitive with the allocated parameters you set. That way, you can get a uniform round cylinder.
You can also use textures to displace verts ...
Adobe is probably looking at acquiring a 3D package, either that or they will make their own, though it seems like the usual pattern is to just acquire.
Its a good time for users to start looking into Blender, and this is coming from a Modo user.