Hi there:
This thread will be about a selection of stuff I really dig and hopefully learn from as well.
Anyways first cab off the rank, a piece I've already made a start on via those Blender nerds, Aidy Burrows and Gleb Alexandrov's robo tutorial which for me has an intriguing workflow with a combined boolean and sub-d technique creating tight hardsurface mechanical shapes I've a penchant for, also I might add nicely presented too.
Blockout/Early Refining:
Tinkering with non-destructive hard surface workflows.
Exploring a 2D Portraiture workflow in Blender (2.77)
Alpha pack by JRO Tools - https://gumroad.com/l/paTzK
Thanks Team
Oh! and it's not Yoda, these portraits are derived from the Mandalorian web series so his name is actually 'Grogu' which was finally revealed recently in ep 5 season 2, now currently screening over on Disney+