It's no secret how amazing this game looks. Since I seem to have an obsession with sculpting pillars and rocks, I feel trying my hand at creating an environment for this game would be fun. Considering the skill level of the artists who worked on this game, I have the following goals for this project;
1 ) Don't botch it (does anybody even use this word anymore?)
2 ) Don't f it up

3 ) Create something that doesn't look like garbage.
With that being said, here are a few other goals;
4) Aim for God of War quality level.
5) Create the level in an efficient way, with the final product running at a smooth 60 fps.
Now, this project may take me a bit longer than usual, due to being really busy with life right now (AKA currently playing God of War 4). I'd like to set a goal for 2 months, but to achieve goals 1-3, I'm going to say 3 months. I'm going to take my time making sure my material definition is spot on, my snow looks great, and fans of GOW don't come into this thread tearing it apart. I've watched the below video, so I've got a few take aways; ) Textures won't have high contrast. I want the sculpting to really shine through.
B ) Create 'slamless' meshes. Nothing will be slammed together, the meshes will all work with each other.
I'll be working heavily off these concepts. I know the first two images are by concept artist Luke Berliner, but I was not able to figure out who did the others. If anybody knows, feel free to fill me in and I'll put their names in.
This is going to be the main scene. I'll be getting creative with the areas not in camera, taking from other concept pieces for the game.

I'll be taking this piece as the construction for the piece to the left of the camera.

I just found an image of my quality goal that, turns out its the same scene! I'll be working on making it my own though, so we'll see how that goes.

I'm currently working on my blockout, will post when leaps and strides have been made.
There's actually a GOW fan art contest on their website, closes in April 2019, so I guess this would be a cool thing to submit.
Thanks for the shoutout in the other thread, btw. Though, to be honest, my large post count is only a reflection of my procrastination. And still I take more than I give. But thanks nonetheless -- hopefully I've provided something worthwhile if only encouragement.
Keep them updates coming.
@BIGTIMEMASTER Thanks man, I'm pretty committed due to the amount of sculpting I've been doing this past week! My hand has started to be sore in ways it never has been before.
Here's the blockout so far. I've gotta keep sculpting the mountain on top of the temple entrance because it's not really fitting quite right. The temple sculpt is just a decimated version of the temple so far, having tons of fun there. Made a mountain, looks great, don't know what to do with it.... Stuck it off in the background for now! Also sculpted some rock piles, and used them as a placeholder for future rock piles.