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[WIP] Woodland Critique

polycounter lvl 5
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ChrisLambert polycounter lvl 5
Hello all,

I've been working on this woodland scene for a while and was hoping to get a bit of your feedback.
Any thoughts would be very appreciated!

Chest could probably do with some textures though eh? ;) 


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Very nice. Have you tried moving the camera so that the foreground tree is closer but takes up more like only half of the screen or so, allwoing the faded background trees on the horizon to get some more space? I just wonder if that might be a nicer composition -- give a bit more sense of space and show off all these nice colors blending together in the distance.
  • ChrisLambert
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    ChrisLambert polycounter lvl 5
    Ahh yes, I've been playing (or struggling?) with the camera angles. I have another angle saved that might be more like what you suggest :)
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Ahh yes, I've been playing (or struggling?) with the camera angles. I have another angle saved that might be more like what you suggest :)

    My idea is pretty generic really. If you look at any travel magazines or maybe some hunting magazines with lots of panoramic shots of landscapes, they usually have the same composition or similar anyway. Basically a good part of the picture is the big, long view with the nice horizon, and then in the foreground on one side you get the interesting subject but it's not really the subject of the whole picture. (a trained photographer or artist can explain this better I am sure.)

    These are pretty different but I think in very general sense it displays the kind of composition I am trying to describe. Kind of like 2/3rds is big long view and 1/3rd is something interesting up close. Trail is there on the side buts it not like the primary focus.

  • ChrisLambert
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    ChrisLambert polycounter lvl 5
    @Ashervisalis Thanks! :) 

    @BIGTIMEMASTER Ahh yeah, so far it doesn't fit within the rule of thirds... Bringing the camera down and closer to the chest/tree might help to keep it within those guidelines :) 
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