Hello everyone, I’m running into some issues with a model I’m working on. I’m getting this “pinch” effect when I turbosmooth it and I cannot seem to figure out a way to avoid it. Sceenshots below.

Here I’m using chamfer + smoothing groups + turbosmooth technique.

Im away from my desk at the moment so I cannot upload the model until later, but from the screenshots, am I modeling something incorrectly? Is something wrong with my topology that’s causing that unusual effect on my high poly? Thanks in advance!
Also should have posted this to Technical Talk.
Also, you have no iamges of the artifacting; it would help if you showed us what you write about in general. Art > writing
Also try creating edge loops for your outer corners this will give the turbo smooth some direction when it comes to that corner.
typically when im making my HP in max i dont need all of these edges....ill do one base chamfer to get the width then ill do a smaller chamfer on initial one. then I do a turbo smooth with smoothing groups enabled and then ill do another regular smoothing group on top of that