Hi everyone,
I was was hoping to find out your techniques to model from reference when the prop within the concept/ reference is at an angle, not orthographic and doesn't have front, side and back images. how would you determine the FOV (field of view) of the picture and configure 3ds max or maya to accommodate the reference.
Thank you for any help you are able to provide.
Google some dimensions of the real-world object (even a single measurement) to give you a base scale reference to start from.
I rarely use ortho refs anymore, I just drag a few images from various angles and throw them into PureRef.
When working from concept is it expected of you to replicated it 100% in form and measurements, or to just capture the overall aesthetic and intent of the original concept art?
The only certain thing is : if you don't have enough material to do your job well, bring it up to your supervisor (or in case of freelancing, your client) and you'll work something out.