Hey, haven't posted on here in forever. Been working on this char in my spare time, mostly to practice some stuff i'm bad at (hair, marvelous designer, detailing, actually finishing something).
Hair is still first pass (needs more shaping cards, and a proper breakup layer and fly aways). Kindof been going at it piece by piece to get used to new marmo... probably why the design isn't working at all now x_x
Design help would be really cool, specifically on the torso area... messing around in zbrush atm, trying out a more mechy sci fi approach.

I am admittedly not literally seeing anything yet alluding to the idea. Not to say a non bionic adjusted person CAN'T exist in Cyberpunk land.
Real nice work!
Popol: thanks dude ^^ this site is so different from before, glad people are still around here
kanga: thank you. I still suck at hair, and it takes forever... Going with that adam skutt style workflow, just means hand placing alot of hair cards
Torch: eeyyy, thanks man
Kindof an update not really, gonna try going in this direction and see how it ends up.
Also sketched up mech things i wanna keep working on (more on theme of cyberpunk maybe). If anyone knows the original artist on that cool full mech guy in the pic, would be awesome to find out who did it. Fightpunch ref on the helmets.
Not much of an update, sculpting everything out is taking forever. Did do some quick pose tests in zbrush to test out in marmo though... think it works alright.
Back to never ending cloth sculpting for now.
As for who made that design, it could be a number of concept artists i adore. a few that come to mind are
Josan Gonzalez
Tano Bonfanti
Elijah Mcneal
Yooo been so slow getting back into it after holidays n being away. Finally got the low poly more or less done. And tried out marmosets baker (is awesome), and slapped some base cols and vague roughness values in.
And been messing with poses, still not sure on final pose and render/lighting setup.