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Cannot select unseen meshes/verts/faces/etc in Maya

grand marshal polycounter
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Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
I'm trying to figure out if it's an issue with my graphics card, but I don't see how it could be. If I click and drag over a mesh, trying to select vertices, I can only select the verts which I can see. All the verts on the other side of the mesh remain unselected. This goes the same with trying to select edges, faces, etc, on the other side of the mesh, or even while selecting objects, the inability to select meshes hidden behind other meshes.

Here's the facts;
I *can* select the verts on the other side of the mesh if xray mode is turned on.
Preferences > Selection > Camera-based selection is unchecked (this is greyed out, with no option to actually turn it on or off)
I have restored default settings, reinstalled Maya 2018, updated my graphics driver, and reset my Nvidia 3D settings.
Although Backface Culling shouldn't really do anything, I've switched it on and off a few times, still nothing.
I have been having issues with Substance Painter freezing up on me occasionally, even with relatively simple meshes/low resolution maps.

This problem has persisted for a week or two now. I've googled a ton and can't figure it out. I can still work by switching xray on and off, but who really wants to add an extra click to their selection process. I saw a random thread online mentioning how it might be an issue with the graphics card, but I don't want to go out and buy a new one just to find out I still can't select properly. Any help would be more than appreciated!


  • eltarbos
    Offline / Send Message
    eltarbos polycounter lvl 7
    Looks like the Camera based selection is on automatic mode.
    Try to turn it off in modeling toolkit.

    If as you said the option is greyed out, you can try to type this command and see if it does something or if you got an error message in the script editor:
    selectPref -useDepth false;

  • Ashervisalis
    Offline / Send Message
    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Oh man that's perfect! How on Earth did I ever change that setting. Thanks so much @eltarbos
  • eltarbos
    Offline / Send Message
    eltarbos polycounter lvl 7
    No problem ;)
    The backface culling selection is broken since maya 2016.5.
    I've reported the bug in the maya beta forum but nothing has changed.
    For the moment we're stuck with camera based selection.
    If you want, try to bind this mel script to a hotkey, it will toggle the camera based selection and display a message in the viewport:
    if (`selectPref -q -useDepth` == 0) {
    selectPref -useDepth true;
    headsUpDisplay -rp 2 1;
    headsUpDisplay -s 2 -b 1 -ba "center" -dw 50 -l "Camera Based Selection ON" HUDCBSelection;
    else {
    selectPref -useDepth false;
    if (`headsUpDisplay -ex HUDCBSelection` == 1) {
    headsUpDisplay -rem HUDCBSelection;}
    Hope it helps

  • Ashervisalis
    Offline / Send Message
    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    It helps a ton :)
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