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Flippy Attack! Timing and Clarity critique please?

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JhGreene node
Hello! I was wondering if I could get some critique on this animation. I'm doing it for a contest at school and I would love you guys opinion on timing and clarity. How would you improve on this?

I'll leave a link in case of draw overs!



  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    Hey JhGreene, cool attack, but your spacing needs a lot of love. The big thing to remember is that heavy object (a big axe for example) tend to move slowly at first until they build up inertia, the faster the object is traveling, the broader the spacing where by contrast the slower the object is moving the closer together the spacing will be. Another thing to keep in mind is how your character is holding the axe. For example if you pick up a 20 pound weight and then stand with your arm extended away from your body, it's going to be pretty difficult to hold that pose for very long, and the heavier that object is and the further away the object is from your body the more difficult it becomes. So if you're holding a giant axe the same way you're holding that 20 pound weight, you're going to have a bad time. I hope that helps
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