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Vertex colors FBX problem.

Hello I have a question. Whenever i want to export my model from 3dsmax 2012 as fbx file. My vertex colors having blurry result.

When i export this as open collada i dont have any problem.

I need  my model  in FBX file. Any idea to solve this problem?  


  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Looks like the vertices gets welded together either upon importing into Unity, or when you export the fbx. So it can't have the sharp transitions anymore.
  • animulator
    Yes very strange, when I export this with open Collada .dae. It's exporting it correctly. I guess fbx exporter have some problems. 
  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    I don't think so. Try exporting with smoothing groups enabled. Its a checkbox in the fbx export dialogue.
  • animulator
    Actually its selected. I attached here my screenshot. if i miss something let me know please. 

  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    This setting should do it. Then something happens when you import it into Unity. Are there some import settings that you can set? If there are, try to find something related to smoothing groups.
  • animulator
    i dont think Unity has a problem about this. Because when i import back this fbx model to 3dsmax. I have the same blurry result.  

    When i export my model as collada and then if i use fbx converter software then it works. But i lose my rigging settings , if i do it so. 

  • Eric Chadwick
    It's not smoothing groups. Unity only supports 1 vertex color per vertex. 

    So, you cannot color per polygon (which causes hard edges in vertex color, because edge vertices are then storing multiple colors).

    If you want hard edges in VC, either chamfer the edges with tight bevels (not recommended, long thin triangles are bad for performance), or split the edges making duplicate vertices (hard to control though, difficult to limit each vertex to just one color).

    Best bet is to avoid hard transitions in vertex color, rethink your use.

    Good luck!
  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    What I meant is to have separated smoothing groups for the different colors, so the vertices splits along the color changes, so he can have the hard transitions.
  • Eric Chadwick
    No you need to manually split the vertices if you want to allow this.

    Smoothing groups are simply a way to get multiple vertex normals into a single vertex. It doesn't actually duplicate vertices in the exported file. Only in the GPU for rendering.
  • animulator
    Thanks for your reply.Maybe you guys right. just  i am just thinking  when i do same model in blender ,how blender fbx  export works. and how 3ds max fbx export doesnt work. 

  • Mark Dygert
    animulator you might want to try a newer version of FBX. I ran into similar issues in Unreal when I was using FBX 2013, it became a non-issue after we started using FBX 2015 and 2018. It might have been something they changed in Unreal too, because we jumped from 4.12 to 4.20 about the same time.

    But it wouldn't surprise me if Eric is right. It was an issue a long time ago in Unity when I was trying to blend materials based on per-face vertex colors and Unity kept making a blurry mess until I broke the geometry and doubled the verts, but that was a really long time ago (2010-2011). That is probably what blender is doing, breaking the geometry and doubling the verts along those seams.

    It would be weird if they haven't gotten per-face vertex coloring to work in newer versions of Unity. I'm half tempted to download it and try.

    I know for a fact that Unreal and FBX 2015+ support per-face vertex colors, which you probably can't switch to so you're probably stuck breaking off each color as a separate element, like Eric suggested OR using an exporter that does that for you. OBJ and Collada have been known to split geometry along smoothing and vert color seams so that might be a simple fix?
  • animulator
    Thank you Mark , I will try the new FBX version. 
  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    Yeah this is an issue with old exporter. I think you can update the exporter even on old max versions. But just in case, here's a maxscript to add support vertex to handle vertex color/alpha by face, thanks to polytools3d on cgtalk. Has to be an editable mesh i think.
    	   fn BreakVerticesByColorAndAlpha node =
    		   mesh = copy node.mesh
    		 getmapface = meshop.getmapface
    		 getmapvert = meshop.getmapvert
    		   vertscolors = #()
    		 vertsalphas = #()
    		   colorsarray = #()
    		   vertsbyface = #()
    		   flagedverts = #{}
    		   for j = 1 to mesh.numfaces do
    			   faceg = getface mesh j
    			   facec = getvcface mesh j
    			 facea = getmapface mesh -2 j
    			   for i = 1 to 3 do
    				   vcolor = getvertcolor mesh facec[i]
    				 valpha = getmapvert mesh -2 facea[i]
    				   if vertscolors[faceg[i]] == undefined then
    					   vertscolors[faceg[i]] = vcolor
    					 vertsalphas[faceg[i]] = valpha
    					   if vertscolors[faceg[i]] != vcolor do flagedverts[faceg[i]] = true
    					 if vertscolors[faceg[i]] == vcolor and vertsalphas[faceg[i]] != valpha do flagedverts[faceg[i]] = true
    		   setvertselection mesh flagedverts
    		   meshop.breakverts mesh flagedverts
    		   flagedverts = getvertselection mesh
    		   sharedfaces = meshop.getfacesusingvert mesh flagedverts
    		   for j in sharedfaces do
    			   faceg = getface mesh j
    			   facec = getvcface mesh j
    			   facea = getmapface mesh -2 j
    			   for i = 1 to 3 where flagedverts[faceg[i]] do
    				   vcolor = getvertcolor mesh facec[i]
    				 valpha = getmapvert mesh -2 facea[i]
    				 vrgba = vcolor + valpha
    				 found = finditem colorsarray vrgba
    				   if found == 0 then
    					 append colorsarray vrgba
    					   append vertsbyface #([j,i])
    					 append vertsbyface[found] [j,i]
    		   for j in vertsbyface do
    			   weldverts = #{}
    			   for i in j do
    				   face = getface mesh i[1]
    				   weldverts[face[i[2]]] = true
    			   meshop.weldvertsbythreshold mesh weldverts 0.0001
    		   node.mesh = mesh
    	   st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
    	   BreakVerticesByColorAndAlpha $
    	   format "time:% ram:% 
    " (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)

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