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Total Newbie Hand-painted Progress /Critique Thread

Hello All!

I just recently dove into the world of 3D Modeling and Game design. I'm putting together a game idea with a friend and have been learning Blender, Photoshop, and Unreal Engine. We've decided to go with the hand-painted look but since it's just the two of us, I'm having to learn how to do this myself. I have almost no prior visual art experience. I just started modeling about 3 months ago. This is my first hand-painted model. My "Don't" button. I'm planning on using it in conjunction with another animated model to create my first interactive game scene in Unreal. Anywho, enough blabbing. I'd love to get some feedback about things I could focus on to improve.

I plan on continuing to add to this thread with pics of my future models and progress as it was a similar thread on this form that inspired me to take this on myself.  Thank you in advance for looking and taking the time to respond. :smile:
Peace, love and all that! haha. 



  • ScotchTapeWorm
    Looks good for a first handpainted model! I would say thought that the metal parts looks ab bit like clay because the highlights I think aren't contrasty and sharp enough. I would go in and make those highlights pop, and probably use a harder brush. Another thing to really make it pop is to paint in some bounced lighting and AO. Make the metal part have a slight hue of red right under where the button is, and of course make that area a bit darker.
  • DigitalCraze
    You're right. It does look clay-ish.

    Thank you! I appreciate the feedback and tips! 
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