Hi there new guy here,
So I've been playing around Zbrush for a few months now and I've been focusing on form and proportion.
I'm self learning right now so I don't really have anyone to ask for constructive critique,
I hope this is the right place to ask for some.
P.S. The toes are in a separate sub-tool because when I use Dynamesh the toes just becomes a mangled mess also, How do you do hair?

As for the body reference I've not used a chart and was doing things by sight (like alt-tab back and forth with reference) which I now know is the wrong way of doing it thanks!
It took a while but does this look better?
So minor setback here apparently my wacom driver isn't responding (tablet services not available) I've tried some tips I found at google
like resetting the services and stuff but its not really working. I might need to google more but If you know other fixes hit me up.
So I googled this wacom problem... is this actually common? wth wacom.
So I tried to give it the S-line, lowered the knee, and enlarged the hands. What do you think?
The change is subtle tho, I don't know if you can see it.
One is from Brandon LaFrance
and the other is from Alena dubrovina
for the hands and feet I just look at some from google images.
and for the head I was following a bunch of tutorials on youtube so I might ask your opinion on that later.
Do I push them in?
Hope this helps.
I wanted to be able to do realistic stuff, thanks for the tips!
I hope this one's better, what you guys think?
Honestly everything's starting to look all too similar to me haha.
it's been a while but I've finally got time for this and here's what I've done so far, I hope it's at least better than the last.
Things that I've changed:
- Made feet smaller.
-Tried to fix the curve of the spine (this i'm not sure if its correct).
-Fixed the hands (less floppy I guess?).
-More volume to hips.
The thing that still stands out to me is the feet, especially from the side profile look way too long. If you post an orthographic shot of the side, it will be easier to tell exactly.
Here's a quick suggestion...
Also, if you turn the little toe inwards, instead of it spreading it out away from the body of the foot I think it looks more natural. Something like this...
I've done what I can, I hope it improved.
One more thing, I get this warning saying the files is over 4gb?
So I've deleted the undo history of the subtools but I still get the warning.
Does anyone know what to do in this case? or how did it even get to 4gb?
I think I'm getting it now, here's probably my last update for this topic because I want to work on the hair and clothes now.
I'm still gonna continue to practice on my form and proportions, and thanks to the people who gave me advice.
Feel free to point out my mistakes, I'll try to fix them.
Here's what I made so far, I hope it's better.
I'm wondering tho, are the feet too long?