Hi everyone, I would like to know ...If I can use 2.8 blender for composition and rendering , and 2.79 for animation and rigging...
to be honest I am not specialist, I am a generalist 3D artist , I am learning rigging and animation because it is a must that I concern I keep it for this year.... but I do not like to forget things and also like to test and composition... what should I do for my hobbiest? I mean... If I install recent 2.8 verrtion but not overwrite 2.79 cause the addon , cause the rigging , cause the practice and bugs...
I got another computer in the bad case to install it . any suggestion ? I am using windows 7 ultimate. should I buy another HDD and dowload windows 10 for example and install 2.8 ?
sorry for the silli question . How people deal with Unofficial vertion of blender? I need 2.79 for rigging and animation purpose.
I do not like to deal or mess with the older folder (by deafult blender I think overwrite) I used since 2014 in 2.75 and "blender foundation" save it in folder, but... there is not a laucher for previous vertion.... which means , If there are not any launcher for previous vertion... blender overwrite always.... I also use blenderforweb engine. I would like to do the things very clean , I do not like to mess with addons , windows crashes, bugs and blender ID or Lan Socket.