The concept is from the Darksiders 2 Artbook and I can't find it online!!! Sorry, I think the concept artist is Joe Mad!
Here's the FIRST file, a quick blockout made in ortho-view over the scanned concept art. I keep most of the more "organic"-shapes pretty suggestive, like the spheres to mark locations for Skulls, which I know is faster for me to just sculpt straight up instead of modelling them traditionally. The model on the right is the collisions model from the Darksiders 2 Polycount contest, thrown in there for fun. ^^

Sadly I didn't save the undo's in Zbrush so I can't make a video. But I have a bunch of incremental saves. So here's some of the progess for the sculpt:

The best render I have of the final sculpt, there were some additional changes after this, adding some curves and tiny tiny shifts, but it's pretty much the final sculpt:

If I did it again I would focus much less on details, I spent a lot of time on making tiny tiny scratches and stuff on the skulls on the blade. And really went overboard just because I enjoyed the "feeling" of going crazy with dam_standard and stuff ^^
And I would pay closer attention to the thickness of bevels. Some bevels around the shaft of the axe are very, very thin and tight. It doesn't look that good, and in the bakes it just gets lost.
Next up is texturing!