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Offering a serverfarm for rent - solid price

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ham5urg null
Hello all,

I have a serverfarm with 352 nodes / 5632 cores / 11264 threads. This machine is running with Linux and is going to grow to 480 nodes in next weeks. I poked around and studied the prices of online rendering services and found out that I can offer much better prices.

A typical low price offer (which I found on the net) would be like

  number_of_cores x 0.015$ x Ghz / hour

Which is quite expensive in my eyes. With such an offer my machine would be at 219.648$ / hour which is a lot!

My offer would be 50% less

  number_of_cores x 0.0075$ x Ghz / hour
  = 5632 x 0.0075 x 2.6 / hour
  = 109.824$

About me: I must say that I'm not a 3D-guy, but coming from the numerical data analysis. Linux/BSD and C++ are my favourites.


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