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Europe Forrest wip

polycounter lvl 6
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halldor polycounter lvl 6
hey all i was working on the scene for vacation and plants for games  i am on the last weak of the course 
but i was unable to go with baked lighting the shadow did look super weird 
so tried  to go for direct lighting and my scene looked more stylised then it is but maybe its not bad thing, after all,
all of the plants are hand painted in ZBrush  

hoping for some feedback 


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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    Looks like your missing some small/medium dense vegetation that would help bed things in better. 
    Also you need to make sure your translucency maps have data in them for the stalks etc so that the lighting between foliage and trunk is less extreme (bush on top of rock left hand side of last image for example the stalks/stems look like they are made of latex)

  • halldor
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    halldor polycounter lvl 6
    thank you so much 
  • halldor
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    halldor polycounter lvl 6
    here is a small update, still have to fix the branches of the buses they are too dark but it seems to be a glitch in unreal the light up when i come close, 
     added some smaller weeds  
    added a normal map to the moss of the tree
    did go with some bake lighting 
    added a new cross
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